Baia del Sole among the stars

We are proud to announce that Baia del Sole has just received the "Italy's Most Beautiful Skies" Certification awarded by the Astronomitaly Association, which aims to enhance places aspiring to become excellent destinations for Astrotourism through dedicated services and a commitment to protecting the celestial heritage.
Sea of stars
The motivation for the recognition reads: "For the beauty of the starry sky, the quality of hospitality and food and beverage services, the commitment to creating experiences for enjoying the celestial heritage, and following the measurements carried out by our team, Baia del Sole Resort has been awarded the SILVER recognition of 'Italy's Most Beautiful Skies' and by joining the Astronomical Tourism Network, it stands out as an excellent destination for Astrotourism."
The sea-view terrace, with a panorama of Stromboli and the Aeolian Islands, is the best spot to observe the starry sky and the Galactic center, which rises roughly in the direction of the mainland, towards the southeast (visible during New Moon periods).
Celestial summer
Take advantage of the approaching Summer Solstice - the ideal time to shed unnecessary energies and make room for light - and discover our exclusive program that takes place under the stars.
During the "Star hopping among the constellations" events, the GBA Association of Amateur Astronomers will guide us with the aid of professional telescopes in the exegesis of the starry sky, with mythology and illustration of the constellations, providing the opportunity to observe celestial objects (the Moon, planets, and deep sky objects) directly through the telescopes.
Fun guaranteed for the whole family: even the little ones will be fascinated by the magic of the cosmos!
Participation in the events is free for hotel guests.
Calendar of events:
Saturday 8 June
Saturday 13 July
Saturday 27 July
Sunday 11 August
Friday 16 August
Saturday 24 August
Saturday 7 September